Ingredients of Dexterous Manipulation

Tentative ICRA 2024 Workshop (Hybrid), May 13, 2024


Dexterous manipulation is a grand challenge in robotics and a necessary step in performing many manipulation tasks such as ones involving tool use. Today, many different approaches are being explored to tackle this problem: underactuated soft hands, fully actuated rigid hands, model-based control, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, experiments with many different tactile sensors, simulators for contact-based interactions, and many others. Furthermore, there is little convergence on dexterous manipulation tasks being solved by different research groups. Due to the diversity of approaches and lack of dialogue between different sub-communities, quantifying progress and identifying challenges and opportunities is a formidable issue. We believe that big jumps in dexterous manipulation will result from interdisciplinary work spanning the subfields of control, hardware, sensor and simulation design. We aim to bring together researchers from these diverse communities to encourage dialogue, identify avenues for collaboration and understand the status, challenges, and opportunities for interdisciplinary work. For seasoned researchers, this workshop will be an avenue for exchanging ideas with a diverse community. For students and early career researchers, this workshop will be an opportunity to understand the landscape and future directions of dexterous manipulation.

This interdisciplinary workshop will convene researchers across disciplines to assess the status quo in dexterous manipulation research and illuminate potential future directions worthy of pursuit.

Invited Speakers

listed alphabetically

Call for Papers

We invite submission to the Ingredients of Dexterous Manipulation workshop, hosted at ICRA 2024.

Paper topics

A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:

In this workshop, we aim to bring together machine learning and robotics researchers who work at the intersection of these fields. We invite researchers to submit work in the following or related areas (non-exhaustive list):

Submission Guidelines (TBD)

Timeline (TBD)

Poster Sessions (TBD)



For questions and comments, please contact us.
© ICRA 2024 Ingredients of Dexterous Manipulation